This is an animated short based off of a chapter of German author Michael Ende’s 1979 children’s novel, ’The Neverending Story.’ The chapter is titled “Goab: Desert of Colors,” and details a desert comprised of vibrant sand dunes of different colors.
The main character, Bastian Balthazar Bux, leaves the human world where he once felt awkward and self-conscious and assumes a more confident version of himself in the Never-ending Story book to save Fantasia from the Nothing.
When Bastian receives a wish-granting emblem, Auryn, he wishes for a forest to himself. When it suddenly crumbles and becomes the Desert of Colors, Bastian is bewildered. Before he can begin to decipher what could have caused this, he encounters a gigantic figure approach him. Grograman, the Death Multicolor.
This short started its early development